Sunday, October 16, 2005

Vladivostok II

Thirty years… and many lives,

then a line, drawn in red sky,

it was green, like artic ice,

like an instant at your sight.

Time has come to celebrate!

through late laughs deep in the dark,

our love, dreams, lust... start!

Set the winds! Light the stars! Bring the seas!

‘cause your lips will ask for me,

tie myself, I will, I need!

to wet twisters in your tongue,

to your hips of hopeful dreams,

trapped forever, marble thighs.

‘Till the dawn we’ll celebrate,

our senses, spasm, joy, fate.

And your mouth that asked for mine,

then will ask for day and sun,

brand new air to say the spell,

of our love,

our dream,

our faith.



Anonymous said...
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Seok4 said...
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Anonymous said...

SUPER, Victor! Je ne connaissait pas tes talents de poète! Tu est un vrai "oscar wilde"!

Seok4 said...

Merci, Fdo. c gentil! sauf que je ne croit pas qu'Oscar Wilde ait ecrit comme ca pour une femme LOL